
25th Annual Commencement Exercises

The 25th Annual Commencement Exercises at GSBC was a memorable night. Family, friends, and honored guests gathered from around the nation to celebrate the graduates’ achievements.

Grad Week Picnic 2022

The students, their families, and the staff enjoyed the last activity of the school year with fun, food, and fellowship at the annual Grad Week Picnic.

College Days 2022

Many prospective students experienced college life as they heard powerful preaching, attended classes, and toured the San Francisco Bay and Pier 39.

I Love My Church Sunday

A highlight of “I Love My Church” Sunday was the various ministries presenting their buckets during the service last night. Many students had the privilege to represent a ministry during this special service.

Winter Revival 2022

Pastor Mark Stroud from Murrayville, Georgia was our guest preacher during the GSBC Winter Revival! God used him greatly in the lives of our students as he delivered the messages in our chapel services.
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